Power of saying No
Health Lifestyle

The Power of “No”: Setting Healthy Boundaries for a Less Stressed You

It’s interesting because you hear so much about being agreeable to make life easier and to always say yes to things but in fact, this could lead to the demise of some of our mental health. Not everyone is a social butterfly or has the capacity to give so much of themselves to other people so in most cases, it’s a toxic way of being and a toxic habit to encourage people.

While we are by far not encouraging people to always say no, it’s more about the fact that you listen to what your mind, body and soul need from you. If you are something like yourself, then you might have a habit of gaslighting yourself to see no issues with being agreeable and convincing your mind to go along with something your instincts knew wasn’t right. Then you might need to learn how to set some well-needed healthy boundaries.

Something I have struggled with in the past is understanding what my actual boundaries are. So today we are going to discuss what healthy boundaries look like and how to build that confidence up to tell people in situations the word no.

What Are Healthy Boundaries?

Boundaries are invisible lines we draw around ourselves that protect us from any emotional or physical harm from others around us. For example, you could set the boundary that you might be okay with spending 3 days a week with someone but by day 4, you need some alone time. 

Healthy boundaries are put in place to protect yourself and, to be honest, to protect others. It’s been common that when I am frustrated with something or someone, I will shut off and that’s when I need some downtime, but in cases where I haven’t made that a priority, I can take out that frustration on other people, whether it’s with a moody attitude or bluntness.

Learning how to use the power of no to allow yourself to feel safe and secure will completely transform your outlook on life.

Why Are Healthy Boundaries Important?

Healthy boundaries are linked to so many benefits for your life, whether it be your mental or physical health. They cover many aspects of our lives and are a good way to live. Here are a few reasons exactly why healthy boundaries are important for our lives.

Encourage Self Respect and Well Being

Boundaries allow us to value ourselves, listen, understand what is good for us and recognise how certain things impact us. Many times, people push their feelings to the bottom, which can only result in self-loathing and other negative feelings. Showing compassion and self-respect towards ourselves can allow us to take control of our lives but also give us an enormous sense of well-being. Treating ourselves with the same respect that we give to other people will completely transform our lives.

Healthy Relationships

Like the famous drag superstar Ru Paul said, “If you can love yourself, how in the hell can you love somebody else?” Learning the power of ‘no’ and setting respectful boundaries can teach the power of respecting others but also allow you to attract more people you are actually compatible with. Whether it’s friendships, family members or romantic relationships, this will completely change your relationship for the better by giving you the tools to be open and honest with those around you, fostering both trust and authenticity.

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Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Being completely authentic with yourself will start to create this sense of inner peace, especially when you’re saying no to things that make you feel uncomfortable, whether it’s an event that doesn’t tickle your fancy. Then you are completely removing these awful scenarios where you are filled with anxiety, regret and anger.

Protecting your peace comes with establishing and respecting your own boundaries.

Personal Growth

By removing all of these obstacles and uncomfortable situations from your life, you are able to focus on things, peace and activities that you actually want, which encourages more personal growth but is also very fulfilling on the same day.

Boundaries in place empower us to make healthier choices by ourselves and, in a sense, break the cycle of getting into scenarios and situations we know are just going to leave us met with sadness. By honouring our needs, and limitations, we are creating a space for self-discovery and personal growth. 

It might sound too good to be true but have you ever seen a film where you have a character that is beaten and defeated by those who have time and time again taken advantage of their willingness to either compromise or never stand up for what they want or believe? Then, of course, when the character begins to take control and respect themselves, their whole life changes and begins to attract all these new wonders. That could be you if you learned what your boundaries were and applied them to your entire life.

Final Thoughts

Happiness, freedom, opportunities and self-growth are all around the corner for those who are ready to take the next step. The power of ‘no’ and setting boundaries does not mean that life has to be restricted but by far the opposite. It opens you up to a whole different outlook and it’s a much sweeter one. Whether you’re telling your mom no, you don’t want to wear utility trousers or telling your friends no, you don’t want to go to Ibiza on holiday, it all starts with respecting and protecting your inner peace.

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