5 Morning Hacks for a More Productive and Mindful You
Health Lifestyle

5 Morning Hacks for a More Productive and Mindful You

We all know that feeling of hearing your alarm and all you want to do is click snooze and sleep till you physically can’t anymore. I feel as if I’m that in-between where I’m not a night owl and I am not an early bird. I enjoy sleeping so much that the thought of not waking up when my body feels ready to just sends me into a spiral of unmotivated and no productive habits seem to follow which is pretty frustrating.

I decided that I was fed up with this habit taking over my mornings and not being able to transfer those healthy habits I make time for at the weekend into the midweek. So I made a promise to myself that I will stick to these morning hacks alongside an early bedtime routine and that my mornings will be filled with little changes to make me feel better about myself and start me off on the right foot.

3,2,1 Method

The first change I made absolutely changed my life and I saw it on social media when I was going through a rut of procrastination and lack of motivation to do the simplest tasks. You essentially avoid that snooze button every single morning, which already sets you off to a bad start hitting the snooze button, because realistically, what is that extra 10 minutes going to do for you? Nothing so that’s already a reason to ditch it but it’s also easier said than done until I found the 3, 2, 1 method.

It’s essentially counting down from three to one and after one you just don’t even think about it and get up and do it. That was a big thing in my head I used to use all of my energy thinking about the task I had to do and not just actually doing it. This method just forces your brain to not even battle or barter the pros and cons, it switches your brain off so you can get the task at hand done. You should apply this method to everything you do, including waking up and your bedtime and morning routine. You will be better off with it than without it.

Embrace Digital Detox

Research suggests that the first thing people do when they wake up is look at their phone, whether to check the new reports or reply to messages from the night before. This isn’t good for the brain for more than one reason. The morning is crucial in affecting your mood and state so bombarding it with information and stimulation can overload your cognitive capacity, reducing your ability to make well-thought-out decisions throughout the day but it also just doesn’t start your day off in the right way.

You want to spend the first few minutes of the morning waking up and stretching. Give yourself the chance to breathe and feel good before you even decide to look through your phone.

Move The Body

On that note of doing other things than checking your phone, take that time you would have spent scrolling and channel it into some movement. You need 10 minutes of your time to wake your body up, whether it’s by putting on a video for you to follow. This time can make a huge impact on your mental and physical well-being. Stretching and things like yoga can make ageing life so much better so keep that in mind whether you are debating whether to sit and scroll or move your body.

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Prep The Night Before

If you enjoy sleep like I do, then doing mean tasks such as picking out what you are going to wear the night before or prepping your breakfast so it’s quicker to make the next morning will really help you stay alert and charged for the day ahead. Leaving multiple tasks for you to complete in the morning can also burn you out before the day even begins. By doing yourself a service, you are making each morning that much easier and allowing you to focus on making the day the best it can be.

Drink Water

Hydration is key throughout the whole day but just think you’ve not drank a single bit or nowhere near enough water during your sleep so it’s key you replenish your fluids first thing. If you want to jazz it up, why not add some lemon, ice or cucumber to it? This can also help your metabolism and energy if you adopt this routine every single morning. Plus, it’s a good way to add that extra boost to your metabolism.

Final Thoughts

So when it comes to starting your mornings off on the right foot, you should decide what men’s full tracksuit you are wearing for the day. Don’t think about something; just do it and treat yourself with kindness in multiple small ways. These all make a difference and shouldn’t be slept on…pardon the pun.

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